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The Serpent Mysteries: A Spiral Journey into Serpent Myth, Magic, & Mystique

  • 23 Steps
The Sacred Spiral


What’s Included in The Year of the Snake Serpent Mysteries: 12 Monthly Modules released each New Moon exploring Serpent Myth, Magic and Mystery. Each Monthly Module includes: • Myth: An Introduction to the Serpent Archetype we will be working with for the month including pre-recorded videos and readings specific to the Serpent Mythology and Symbolism • Magic: Magical Practices to work with the Serpent Wisdom, Power, and Potential expressed with each Serpent Archetype. These practices may include: guided meditations/visualizations/shamanic journeys/activations/rituals/ect. • Mystery: Exploratory exercises, deepening practices, and journal prompts for Self-Reflection, Integration and Dedication to your continued journey spiraling with the Serpents.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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Year of the Snake: A Spiral Journey


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